Since processing credit card payments are perhaps the most common mode of transaction used by customers these days, there’s no doubt that the support offered by merchant service providers in the form of a merchant credit card terminal is more than welcome.
Most providers offer this to customers for free, which is certainly beneficial to merchants. Here are three benefits of owning a credit card terminal provided by your merchant:
#1: Ease of installation and use
In comparison to buying a credit card terminal from another provider, using the merchant services’ terminal might be easier due to the fact that all of the payment processing will happen through these machines and they will be available to support you just in case something goes wrong. It’s in their interests to help resolve the issue as soon as possible!
#2: Increased profitability
According to statistics, a merchant can lose almost 70 percent of his business if he doesn’t use a credit card terminal, whether it is a wired or wireless credit card terminal that is offered by the merchant services provider. Most of the people who use credit cards often make large purchases that they will pay back little by little or use a credit card so that they can enjoy the benefits of a rewards program.
#3: Increase of cash flow and the decrease of overheads
Accepting credit cards is smarter than creating an invoice and mailing it to the customers. In some cases, for large purchases, you might have to extend credit to the customer yourself since most of them will make these purchases using a credit card. In opting for credit card processing (using terminals), you will decrease the number of past-due receivables, thus increasing cash flow to your business. And this is where hiring a total merchant service can make a difference to the financial status of your business.